Cleaning Up Pet Urine on Wood

Cleaning Up Pet Urine on Wood


Your pet urinated on your hardwood floor. No big deal right? You can just wipe it up. Wrong. Just like leaving a beverage on a wood table without a coaster, pet urine can cause some serious damage to your wood floor. Here are some steps you can take to make clean-up of your wood floor a little easier:

Blot, don’t wipe
I know the impulse is to just wipe up the stain but that will only spread the urine. Instead, blot the urine up with old rags or paper towels. Also remember that the faster you get to it, the better.

Using cleaner
There are many cleaners out on the market that are meant for hardwood floors that can remove the stain that the urine may have caused. Also, there may already be some things in your house that can do the trick. Three percent hydrogen peroxide applied to the affected area is said to remove both the stain and odor. After five minutes has passed, blot up the hydrogen peroxide and you should be good to go.