The Pool

Take Advantage of Our Pool...
At Pet Depot, we have a full-service care facility for your dog, including our one-of-a-kind dog therapy pool. Located in Baltimore County, Maryland, our dog exercise hydrotherapy pool is available for dogs in the Baltimore Metropolitan region including Baltimore City, Cockeysville, Lutherville, Reisterstown, Roland Park, Timonium, and Towson. Our dog pool is also conveniently located for pet owners in Anne Arundel County, Carroll County, Howard County, Harford County and surrounding regions. Pet Depot’s dog exercise hydrotherapy pool has seen many dogs recover from countless different types of surgeries with tremendous results. There’s a ramp into our therapy pool for easy access so that no dogs need to be lifted in or out of the pool- they simply walk in and walk out at their own leisure. The fact that our dog exercise therapy pool is so large (16’w x 36’l x 4′ deep) with a 2-foot knee wall surrounding the pool, makes it very dog-friendly and capable of handling multiple dogs. For your pet’s safety, every dog begins a swim in our hydrotherapy pool with a life jacket.
**Buy a swim session or group swim sessions for your dog**
- 15 minute swims in the hydrotherapy pool during the week = $27.00 ($36.00 combo)
- 15 minute swims in the hydrotherapy pool on weekend = $30.00 ($39.00 combo)
- 6 swims in the hydrotherapy pool = $145.00
- 12 swims in the hydrotherapy pool = $250.00
- Hydrotherapy 36 swim package deal = $675.00
- Extra dog rate for swim: $15
- Wash with swim: $9.00
- Swim Wash combo weekday: $36.00
- Swim Wash combo weekend: $39.00
Take Advantage of Our Pool...
The Story:
Almost 20 years ago the Lyons family had a Cane Corso named Hannah. Hannah- Banana was filled with 110 pounds of pure love and was the absolute sweetest.Hannah eventually ended up tearing her ACL and the surgeon strongly advised hydrotherapy for the best means of recovery. As a family we drove around Maryland just to check out what the options were and to become a little bit more familiar with the concept of a “dog hydrotherapy pool”. Mom and Dad quickly decided there is a huge need for this and immediately wanted to put a pool in the back of the shop.
Putting a dog swimming pool in the back of a retail store was not the easiest project to execute, and quite frankly a lot of people thought it was absolutely illogical and ridiculous.
“As long as you have a strong enough reason for why, you can get through almost any how”. Our reason for ‘why’, was simply to see the limitless number of dogs not only recover but also have the time of their lives. We knew that it was possible and had a true dream and vision for the dogs. We have always and will always continue to do everything we can to make a swim session at Pet Depot the best experience possible for you and your dog(s).
Fast forward 20 years later and another Lyons Family Dog, George the Bulldog, is back in the pool for ACL surgery rehabilitation. A true full circle as some would say. In the years between, the pool area has been filled with the hearts and bodys of thousands of dogs with their owners and friends.
The happiness and energy of all the dogs that have come into the Pet Depot is depicted by creating a beach scene mural! The scene is filled with Hannah Banana, all the other Lyons Family dogs, and a bunch of other doggos having a blast!
We are beyond grateful for anybody that has booked a pool session over the last 20 years! Thank you for being a part of our family!!